This recognition is based on the analysis of business indicators including company revenues (+18%) and profitability growth (+25%) in 2019. “Verslo žinios“ evaluated a total of 9 indicators, including not only revenues and profitability dynamics, but salaries paid to employees among the others. JCDecaux has been recognized at the most profitable company in the sector in 2018 and 2019, but it is the first time the company has taken 1st position in overall rating. Last year JCDecaux occupied 3rd position.
These results indicate sustainable growth driven by continuous investments into digital solutions. “It opened a new niche and attracted new e-business clients, such as „Treatwell“, „HumanApp“, „Tesonet“ and „Vinted“ choosing digital and innovative solutions” – “JCDecaux Lithuania” CEO Žaneta Fomova said in the interview. “Another success factor belongs to our ambitious and active team. All of it combined brings such overall result for 2019.“
Full article with Žaneta Fomova interview and insights about 2021 can be found here>